

Someone like Harrison Ford should run for president under an independent ticket. He seems to have a very bright creative mind and from listening to him, he seems to hold a global vision. His sight is not cluttered by this political mumbo jumbo and he for one seems to hold a compassion for his fellow


I look out over the Gulf to see sailboats and cargo boats; they look like they were painted there in the wondrous landscape just for me and just this time. I think and know of earlier times and multiple worlds where beings do not covet, thy neighbor’s possessions and in so, go against him in



My thoughts are alien and there is a growing undulation surrounding me. A growing suspicion tells me that I am not of this world but I am also unsure if there is anyone here who is. Could we have been a race from another planet and landed here under undesirable circumstances. Scattered over this inhabitable


9_Feeling Smarter

So how are things progressing? I have been watching the brain drain device but only rented movies and the weather channel. I have seen one funny commercial although. A man is in a bus with his family, sitting in front of a wooden bridge, he is wondering if he should cross. His wife says something


[directive]Move mankind away from feeding on flesh

Introduction: Medicine.Taste = bitter Medicine.With(contagion) Contagion.Age = covid19 path = Rite.Way(contagion.Age.Hard) Initialization() Global.Consumption.Sustainable = true Migration.Direction = path.Inward Consumption.External.Fuel[wind,water(unrestricted),solar, hydrogen] Consumption.Internal.Fuel[“vegan”] Living.Structures = Cities.Pursuit[“planetary travel”] ??possible recurrence?? “Building towers that reach into the heavens” Mayan.popolvuh [NotRightNow,“JaguarNite”,”?”,”?”] AA: Babel.location(nasca lines) This will lead to the great cooperation.