more and more visions


Last night while i slept, i found myself sitting in a group, i being shirtless. As i was sitting others walked into the room, of them i remembered them being school mates. One was speaking loudly or rather projectingly. Speaking many words to all around for their hearing. I had no taste for what he



People are filled with conflict. People willingly fill their lives with conflict. Yesterday i heard someone who stands against racism state how all Arabs are terrorists. Have we reached the age of Kali Yuga?



After much time i am finally beginning to have more consciousness within my unconscious travel and life. The alligator has been known to symbolize the walking in two worlds.

more and more visions


I have had two other visions where i was dealing with alligators. The first i was concerned, trying to remain safe. The second i was concerned, not for myself but a foolish child, who kept re-approaching its snapping teeth. The whole time crying in fear. After several attempts of pulling him away from danger and

more and more visions


I find myself with an old girlfriend, we are sharing the same bed but not sexually. We are walking down a hall that turns into a crowded room. We approach my eldest sister and she starts a conversation. Then i notice my other sister, who is between a conflict of her husband and another man.



The passing days since the past Tuesday were weighing on my consciousness of things being done that must be overcome. It is a blessing that once again i got around to doing these before the last day to stop had arrived. The death of the first born, while the splattering of blood on the door



The morning of April 3rd. Not much as a dream or vision of remembrance as the previous Tuesday. But upon awaking this morning, i learned it is Passover and for the next 49 days much more consciousness is to be given toward spiritual growth and character development. For the next 49 days i am to

more and more visions


As i have been inquiring about getting these writing out, i had a vision that Morgan Freeman and i were in this discussion, but as i was talking and telling, he was in thought about the loss of the physical, which was taking precedence over the thought of the spiritual. Then again i had a

more and more visions


The time of M has passed and what they gave is still in the process of coming into the light. My talks with him were much benefit to me if not to him and yet there are many who listen but do not hear. Yet as much as he is entrenched in the world, the



I was told that my understanding only expands for the past 12 years. Because this is where my experience in the spirit has brought me and that it is dangerous because of my understanding in my task is developing. I am told it would be better if i followed that which has been around for