

Adam – taurus, earth/dense solid and firm element Friendly voice and benevolent expression, actions are oriented toward productivity He makes commitments when he is convinced efforts can bring result, rich bounty Greatest cycle of yield at the peak of a cycle Beginning of spring Abraham – ram, strength and fecundity(fertile) A ram leads the herd



My father’s plan is not for mankind to turn to him by suffering, yet it is through love that mankind must choose. For if mankind comes to the spirit in suffering, when suffering is no more, they return to self. Yet if mankind trust and love that of the spirit then they know the worker



Ichabod – the glory of god has left us. The glory of god has left the country of the US. They raise themselves up by putting their foot on the necks of the weak and poor. They live in luxury while others live in want even unto their own. They pride themselves upon their strength



“Not until all the flocks are rounded up; then the stone will be rolled away from the mouth of the well and the sheep will be watered.” https://archetypealgorithm.earth