

Those who love their life shall lose it but those who give their lives for christ shall have everlasting life. It is not that we should sacrifice our lives for the sake of our religion or dogma or orthodoxy but the christ was love and we should give our life out of love for our



The belief in the idea of god, which was to keep us on a goodly path, can now be replaced by a rule’s engine.



Covid continues and now we are protesting over race again. Again, again, again and again racist people in the South argue that they are not. If you see color, you are racist. The blog is at a point to become something that has yet to be done. Maybe the reflection on three and a half



Emanuel spoke of mansions as reward for the suffering that comes from doing good. I offer no reward but a pursuit in being selfish for the wellbeing of mankind. Sevgilim and I are going on a trip today. Maybe out to Joshua Tree and the Salton Sea or just up to north SD county and



Went for a ride to harbor today. On the way, Bijan and his son Bijan went by, yelling obscenities and giving me the bird. What separates mankind from other mammals is that we have the ability to code stories. I have this one story to which has stored experiences, sequenced in a sequential order. But