

This morning at breakfast, i spoke again with someone who was raised a Baha’i. He was gracious enough to answer all my questions posed to him. The members of the Hall of Justice decide the correct way for the group to think. From what i had a chance to read of Baha’u’llah they too have



So, on my way to catch the bus to the university, i contemplated my early morning vision. Being on the bus as the sole passenger, the driver being the prophet(s), following the way he knew while i remained in the world, lived not myself and saw not the signs and sights along the way. Then



Last night’s visions to my question of – am i right in following what i have been led to know and understand? I was riding in a bus watching a useless killing and action movie all the while letting someone else drive me down a path. As we went along i looked out of the



My ritual continues upon awakening. Today I mailed a postcard to the grandparents and Sevgilim all the notes i had been writing her. Then i went to the university and began my study on the Baha’i. I finished my first book ‘The return of Civilization’ and it dealt with a Baha’i group of ‘The One



It was a busy day. I awoke, showered, breakfast, and went to meet the Baha’i. I found them at the entrance of their dead prophet’s tomb. It is located in a well-manicured garden with untouchable trees, uneatable fruit and peacocks made of brass. The books i wanted, i could not get from their hands, not



Tomorrow i pursue the thread that Angela, from Minnesota who was of my family in Thera, initially turned me onto. Then when in Turkey when i was in Ankara with Sevgilim, i meet a member of this thread and while on the boat from Greece to Israel, Lindsey from Canada mentioned it to Catherine, from

not you


Now that i may be free from feeling fired toward a great biblical epic mission in my life, it is no longer a desire or vain pursuit of mine to be anything more than what my Father has in store for me to be. For I shall never change the world and the way it



So, as i walked today, i meet the prophet Elijah in the streets of Haifa and he told me how the only truth/i must say…he told me of the truth that was in and came from the Torah because of three things: 1. All the animals Moses listed and said existed. There are three types