

“Not until all the flocks are rounded up; then the stone will be rolled away from the mouth of the well and the sheep will be watered.” https://archetypealgorithm.earth



An age – 2,100 passing of the solar system through one sign of the zodiac (precession of the equinoxes) A full revolution around the central sun takes 26,000 years. The ages go in reverse order. Adam – Taurus, Abraham – Aries, Immanuel – Piscean Aquarian Age – the one who holds the pitcher, of the



The holy words by which to heal: “Peace to all living creatures, goodwill to all mankind, by christ from within made manifest, your sins are forgiven” https://archetypealgorithm.earth



The Christine church stands on the postulates that the savior of mankind is christ, the love of god shown manifest through the man Immanuel. The Christine church is but the kingdom of the holy one made manifest within the soul. https://archetypealgorithm.earth



They who believe and are baptized shall heal the sick, shall cause the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk, shall cast out unclean souls from those possessed, tread on deadly serpents and not be harmed, pass through flames and not be burned, if they drink poisonous drink, it will not



The spirit of eternity is one unmanifest, this is god the father, god the mother and god the child is one. In life of manifests the one became the three, god the father is might, god the mother is omniscient and god the child is love. Love is the child of god, humanity must need



The new command  As the savior christ loves and gave his life for humanity so, shall humanity love the world and give their individual life to save the world.  Love one another as you love yourselves and the world will know that you are the children of humanity.  Lo, before the day of the christ



In the Hebrew alphabet 222 is RKB – ReKeb which means “chariot”. It appears in Haggai (King James) And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathens and I will overthrow the chariots and those that ride in them and the horses and their