

It happened today on the bus to Lulea, hence the reason for taking the bus. We made a stop and I knew someone would be sitting next to me. I moved my things out of the seat on the aisle and a young strawberry blond hair wrapped in a scarf, bright-eyed Swedish female looked at



I find myself sitting in a bus station since I could not get to Norway by train unless I retraced the tracks back to Helsinki, so the bus to Lulea was my alternative. As it was free, I decided to take part in the form of Transportation. Everyone is commenting on how light I am



I have meet Austin from Norway, and Lisa from New Zealand, who are traveling together for a spell. I will be with them until Lulea and then we shall part ways. Last night I roomed with yet another person from South America. I must become diligent on my Spanish lessons. https://sites.google.com/site/archetypealgorithm/ https://archetypealgorithm.earth/



I have changed my plans yet again. Instead of going to Narvik, I was to go to Tronheim, but now have decided to return to Stockholm and then to Oslo and spend about two or three days there and know the city. https://sites.google.com/site/archetypealgorithm/ https://archetypealgorithm.earth/



The two other fellas I meet on the train told me about Santa originating in Finland. They were both sales men on a four-day drinking binge, one who had left his wife and kids at home. We talked a while and they showed me a side of Finland that has the programming from the cold

Santa Clause


So today I walked from the city to a place more north than the Arctic Circle and when I arrived, I found Santa‘s home. I do sometimes wonder how all that Santa/Saint Clause got congealed with the pagan sun god‘s birth and then had the birth of Jesus woven in. Jesus and the sun god



I arrived in Rovaniemi, Finland last night from Helsinki by train. I had meetings with four interesting people on the way. One young woman was knocking off her classes of child counselor training to go home, the other woman I assumed was Italian because she was speaking fluent Italian and had dark hair and dark


I have almost decided not to return to Holland. The only thing calling me there is the tea and today I figured that I could do without it. I must continually try to take less part in the deficiency. Tomorrow I go back to the train station to see about going more north. This is


I have noticed that people/ most people are wearing very heavy layers of clothing. As for myself, I am sweating with just a short sleeve shirt and a Henley on; they must be roasting in their gortex, wool, and fur coats. https://sites.google.com/site/archetypealgorithm/ https://archetypealgorithm.earth/


I am on my way of still lightening my load by getting by with less and at a lesser cost. Although I did buy a recorder today, I hope to become adept at playing it. First, I must learn the notes and practice the scales before song; one thing at a time. https://sites.google.com/site/archetypealgorithm/ https://archetypealgorithm.earth/