

Emanuel spoke of mansions as reward for the suffering that comes from doing good. I offer no reward but a pursuit in being selfish for the wellbeing of mankind. Sevgilim and I are going on a trip today. Maybe out to Joshua Tree and the Salton Sea or just up to north SD county and



The world is under self-quarantine as Covid-19 spreads. Business close, stocks are crashing, jobs are lost and stores are empty of goods. Pollution recedes and the environment gets to take a breath. In only two days, downtowns are not engulfed in a haze of toxic air and water ways go from murky to clear. It



When I walk, butterflies proceed before me, as I ride my bike, during these rainy days, when I get ready to go to my job, the rain stops, when I arrive at my job it starts, when I get ready to ride home it stops and when I arrive home it starts. All is beautiful,



Who have I not been? I was the Archetype that existed in the beginning. I have been a conqueror. I have been a Cesar. I have been an emperor. A king. A pharaoh. A ruler. A tyrant. I have been an archer with god as my Charioteer. I have been an enlightened One. I have



So, with the spiritual semblance of the Father, being the power of heaven and earth, the mother being the thought of heaven and earth, the child is christ and christ is love. And so with the return of christ, as we enter the Aquarian Age, which was spoken of by another appearance of CHRIST: When