

We are almost there.  She is showing herself brightly as the evening star on this equinox following a winter that was mild.  Our lives are filled with such beauty and yet because of our hustle and bustle in keeping to schedules, we miss each moment that is filled with spiritual beauty. I had been keeping



By the light of the full moon this is written. The mark of the beginning that is in the perpetuation of the spring equinox. The snow moon on its twenty-eight day, being herald by mars, which was proceeded by Orion, which has his arrow aimed north. For on this night, as the snow moon rose,



For all things that I willith are being made to take place. That which is willed to be and that which is willed not to be. It has been in thought that the happenings are due to decisions of others made, but this is, in the becoming, less of that which is now, more and



My attention as of late has been the more quieting of the external influx into the mind. Beside my commutes to and from the job and an hour of meditation at lunch, my mind is being constantly stimulated by something external. Not the idiocrasy of T.V., radio or news but of the daily job, research,



{past.injection(Independence Day, independence of the individual from wants of much worldliness in their life. Those that can govern themselves)}.



Upon awaking this morning, I built a fire, had coffee and let the day usher in. I sit here now before the fire, watching the move “Agora”, broken but well done. Once again, here I am in the midst of winter and so once again, spring is on its way. For it is, that at



After a week of listening to my neighbor’s dog cry constantly because of its caging, I went over to let them know. Once again as before, I was told that this is a neighborhood and I am wrong to expect silence and other non-encroachment. My perception towards this matter is unchanged. For I say that



Nothing of worth has been gained by the outward fight, to push, demand, hurt and kill. All of worth has been gained by the inward fight, to overcome, give, forgive, heal and allow life. There is a divine plan in all of this. All that is needed is to do what is good and right



I was to begin today working outside, cleaning away the accumulated junk in order to build my shed, to move my tools, to begin with the gutters, to start my solar hobby to promote the Archetype Alternatives…rather it rained and I spent my day on the computer and development to promote the electronic side of



I understand all too well now. As I hear children speak and say how they do not care how they speak. I tell them it is sad and they say it is not. I reply, “It is sad that you do not care.” and with their next breath their guardian states that their grammar is