It is not right to exert your will upon anything unless it will help to ease suffering or save a life, but I still have much to become of myself.
It is not right to exert your will upon anything unless it will help to ease suffering or save a life, but I still have much to become of myself.
I was mistaken on Scott’s words; he is not ready to depart. He says that he is enjoying his time on the boat. We are having wonderful talks on the bow after dinner, watching the sunset and the stellar bodies appear. We search the heavens for what there is to see in them. We talk…
I have been viewing movies but I am almost finished with that.
From last night to this morning, after asking for guidance to receiving it, the reading of the life of CHRIST is not to take place. My first direction will remain; that is that the thoughts on the voyage should be my own.
Today I opened up the Aquarian Gospel and started reading through it again. Then I decided to take note only of what was written of Vidyapati, in order to gain understating of a vision given to me in my sub-consciousness. I have also decided to re-read the gospels, both conical and non-conical before much more…