It seems that the problem about cargo payment has come to a passing point since the boat got underway early this morning, so there may be no more drifting in the Pacific.
It seems that the problem about cargo payment has come to a passing point since the boat got underway early this morning, so there may be no more drifting in the Pacific.
Every day that the time changes, I am able to wake up one to one half hour earlier, even though in actually it is the same time as it is in Mississippi. I suppose to be an early bird I would need to live in Tahiti.
I saw another turtle, more flying fish, four other fish, one bird and more and more trash. They hold onto the saying that the environment will degrade soon enough. Then in all aspects should they not just heap up their house garbage in their homes or yard? Eventually will it not degrade? Why the mentality…
Tomorrow the chief engineer will give Graham, Scott and me a tour of the engine room and an easier route to the stern of the ship. This day the ship received orders to stop, shut down the engines and wait for further orders. So, this day we drifted in the Pacific Ocean and will remain…
There has been no other sign of ships, besides the other two passengers and the Cho Yang Atlas crew; the only other life forms have been flying fish and a sea turtle that got pulled into our wake. I hope it made it safely pass the blades of the propeller. There is also the steady…
We got into our first rain shower this evening about nine hundred fifty miles off the coast of the United States. The days are passing quickly even with the extra hours. I do suppose that I could try and sleep less but that will come in time.
My question is this; is it better to pursue monetary/economic gain or to develop a society where it is not needed? Pros of Economic Gain and Advancement A constant strive for a higher standard of living. Opening the boarders to workers that have desired skills. Development of jobs. Globalizations of a world market. The above…
I have been asked why for my discontentment. My answer is that I feel the misery of the world and I am unable to enjoy the luxuries and comforts while other are suffering; no matter because of oppression or that of self-pity or helplessness. This is a world without justice; the courts and laws of…
Every day the clock gets set back one hour, so now I have found a way to add one more hour to every day. I have been in the undertaking of trying to control my soul’s desires for which the body was created. As I gain more mastering, they, the desires, are pushing their way…
We departed from San Francisco early this morning and are headed for Taiwan. The trip across the pacific should take about twelve days. For the past week, the days have been scheduled around meals and I have been eating much. I had to revert back to my vegetarian instead of my devout eating that some…