At present, i am so taken aback by that answer that i cannot remember what my 7th and latest question was. This has taught me I should be slow to question and wait before what i have just received could be better processed. For me now (post-hit) knowing the thing i see where that which…
6th Q. – Was mankind seeded? If so, let me see 222 from the time of waking tomorrow and retiring tomorrow evening as i lay down my head. 6th A. – Yes, by the millisecond exchange of the timer on the microwave registered in my glance.
5th Q. – Did mankind come into creation by evolution or bible like creation? If evolution then 222 from the time of waking tomorrow and retiring tomorrow evening as i lay down my head. 5th A. – No.
4th Q. – Were we ever helped out by that which is like ourselves, beings that arrived on this planet? If so, let me see 222 from the time of waking tomorrow and retiring tomorrow evening as i lay down my head. 4th A. NO.
Second question – “Were we (mankind) ever helped out from a being that did not take birth on this planet?” Second question answer – NO, having to have seen no 222 from the time of waking tomorrow and retiring tomorrow evening as i lay down my head.
There has been much to write of… all this pre-hit. In my meditations i have been asking. Asking a source like a collective to the all, the all being – that knows and understands life – life being – that which has feeling – feeling that, that of knowing warmth and/or a loss there of…
I am making my way through my re-read of books that made an impression through the years, the years that started with the reading of Moby Dick. Most of the reading takes place again as i soar thru the skies, traveling from one place to the next, but the one and the next are always…
222 has started appearing again rather regularly. While during this time i have been devoting my meditation outward into the ever-populated void of space. the direction of those thoughts has been toward that which called out to me that night and the wanting, desiring, or rather requesting for contact to be made so that man…
So, after the contact, i have sat in meditation more and sent out the same calling and the same vibrations allowing myself to remain open to what may come… or yet am i? For in the successive meditations, i question what i have asked… for once again it will be looking for something outside ourselves…
So last night, soon before going to bed, i did some meditation. During the meditation i thought about that which might exist beyond this world. Aliens. So during my meditation, I sent out a thought, “isn’t it time? We need a change. We are too far gone. I send this thought through the consciousness to…