Christ spoke of a life where one is able to make their burden light, physically and emotionally as well as mentally, simply by the way you live. That way was one of absolute, unbiased, unconditional love. Based upon the premise that they do not know what they do. How do we apply this to this…
The question is again, what will be the level of interaction this time here. Where to touch. Immanuel was concerned with nothing in this world. Other rulers were concerned with nothing else. For the latest and biggest, Hitler. Yet it was again the persecution of the Jews. How many times in scripture have they…
We should live life showing it as the privilege it is. I am only beginning now to understand the ancient scriptures.
The priests have changed their garb. They will no longer clad themselves as ascetics. But they’ll most likely have a resemblance in their attire. An interface between what they tried to reach spiritually and what is now something new.
I used to believe that the reason people think they recognize me is because I am ingrained in the subconscious of mankind. Now it might be that those I look like are me as well. At different ages but sharing the same time. Yet having not yet, or may never have any contact with that…
Yoga and meditation on the ship. During meditation, describe the charkas incorporated with pranayama. Yoga will be stretching with pranayama. Learn about the cities we will be visiting and at the end of the cruise, see if you liked any and invite them for a tour.
See if Aaron is interested in side work on creating apps. Write it off as a business expense. NDA.
Beta plus more with Private Security. Their investment will be the usage for the service at a discounted cost on Serena but more reasonable for any others. With a 3% stake in the company, which is negotiable. Sean to be commission or with potential to get equity based on his level of success, the…
I have returned once again after having flow again high in the sun. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of god. It had been at a tipping point. So much going on. 3wk POC with IIS. Ongoing work on LotBot. Cycling HOA such a waste of an opportunity. I shall resign…