
I have noticed that people/ most people are wearing very heavy layers of clothing. As for myself, I am sweating with just a short sleeve shirt and a Henley on; they must be roasting in their gortex, wool, and fur coats. https://sites.google.com/site/archetypealgorithm/ https://archetypealgorithm.earth/


I am on my way of still lightening my load by getting by with less and at a lesser cost. Although I did buy a recorder today, I hope to become adept at playing it. First, I must learn the notes and practice the scales before song; one thing at a time. https://sites.google.com/site/archetypealgorithm/ https://archetypealgorithm.earth/


Helsinki is more pleasant than I initially gave it credit for. After getting off the ferry here, I got something to eat, sat in the sun, washed cloths, and went to bed until this morning. I may have to venture out tonight to see if I can catch the moon but the day has been


I am sitting on a tall rock formation that overlooks Gabriella, the ferry that will take me to Helsinki this later afternoon. From this vantage point there is a wonderful view of Stockholm. I am sitting and waiting to see if the clock tower bell will ring and if it does, will it be heard


Life is becoming full of meaning as I continue on my endeavor of spirituality, but I still have miles to go before I sleep. Last night I was talking to Alexandria from Columbia. We talked of travel and her country’s problems. I once again shared my views on the fulfillment of life and once gain


My vision became reality today as I walked through the city of Stockholm. My vision of the hall of learning was found at a beautiful building. My agenda this morning was to see about passage to Helsinki and on the way, I was looking at boats that littered the canals and marinas. I was almost



I meet Ben from Ohio who is traveling for college, Elna from Italy who is looking for a flat so she can learn Swedish and Frank from Germany living in Holland staying here on a personal day from business. Now I am waiting for the sun to go down so I will retire till it



I have arrived in Stockholm and it was a good walk today. The first hostel, which would have had me sleeping in a wooden ship, had a waiting list of seventeen persons so I kept walking and had luck with the second. Tomorrow I will go back to the central station and see about the



I never made it to Oslo so I tried for Stockholm. I never made it to Stockholm so I stayed in a little, quiet, clean town of Orebro. All things happen for a reason and last night I meet Shalmon, living in Sweden from Syria. Unsure of his direction and haven given up on all