To tell you the truth, I don’t think anyone or myself knows who is in charge. I remember that in the Bush and Clinton election, Bush got the popular vote but Clinton won the election. Those occurrences show that the majorities, we the people, have no say so in the matter. As Kennedy told us years before, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”. Now that those of that generation gave and gave in order for their children to be able to give and give and their children also did give and give, our nation is the strongest military and economic power in the world. So now, the time has come to show what we have done for our country and now what can our country do for us. Something besides wanting us to continue to work like dogs to where a person making fifty thousand dollars a year sends the government twenty thousand dollars and gets back twelve hundred after letting them use it interest free. In the end, there is no reason for them to care because they are greedy and we do not wish to stand and make our voice present, to look at our thoughts and ask what we are doing in this rat race. But as long as our greed keeps the best of us and we want the eighty thousand-dollar vehicles that burns more fuel and pumps more and more amounts of toxins into our atmosphere. Mankind has gone mad; we have taken leave of our senses and choose to follow Satan instead of God. Why else would there be a need for the revelation, that is foretold in the bible. Is it the fact that our iniquity is our need to follow instead of searching by one’s self? We follow in these traditions and except them and hold them righteous. Many have spoken of how traditions are one of the flaws with our being. Jesus and Melville spoke of the insanity of it and the misguiding that it brings.

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