For the past 3 days, most of my time has been spent on a boat. The majority of the time has been spent sailing and the other, just working on them. Fixing up Peter’s boat with painting, sanding, trimming, chalking, and just figuring out the odds and ends of the boat while under sail. The other boat I am using, I have been sailing, wiping down, and scrubbing. This is much better than going to the rat race where everyone is greedily watching out for themselves and trying to reduce stress so they may continue to work for the car, house, wife/husband, and the 2.3 children. I would rather trade off all that I have to just work on boats and make just enough to sustain myself, but then again, I do feel as if I am being called to fulfill another purpose.

I am continuing to study the bible; the life of Jesus Christ. If I may live up to what he has taught us that we need to do, there will be no need of possessions. I heard some wonderful statistics the other day, it seems that those of us who watch more of the brain wash device spend more money than those of us who do not. This is because we watch this box and it feeds our desire to have these things that we do not need to have. Even though I have stopped watching much television, I am still watching a great deal of movies. For one example, today I watched Schindler’s List. It was a horrible thing for the Jews to be treated as such, but as I watched I wonder why they clung to their material possessions. The characters even went to the point of eating rings and such that they could swallow. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get to heaven. We want and we want but we want the wrong things. I myself am torn between paying off all my debt and buying a boat to sail around the world or paying off all my debt and selling everything I have and joining the ministries to teach the word of Christ. Which shall it be? The only one who knows that answer is the good Lord himself.

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