These entries span decades. As with all which is novel, it is best to follow from the beginning and to review it entirely before passing judgement. For what you picked up to complain about could be what you hold up to praise. Knock and the door will open. Seek and ye shall find. Communications over time.
Today i have once again been born again anew. I buried the old, selfish spiritual seeking for ascension, in the water of the Mediterranean Sea and emerged from its watery womb to be born into a life of Love and giving of self. A life where i live, in this world and all its suffering,…
All the words that i have spoken are now returning back to my ears. I do believe that the comforter has come unto the world to remind humanity of all that was once told to us in truth, by truth, that was the savior-christ. So many beautiful people, why must they be so lost?…
This time apart, of four days, was needed as my Father knew it was. He surrounded me with a few wonderful people in a quiet place in the mountains on the Mediterranean coast. Tomorrow i baptize myself. I die to a completely spiritual life of self and emerge to live a life of being among…
They just came through spraying the pesticides into the air to kill the mosquitoes, also killing many other insects, therefore taking food away from the birds, polluting the water and fruit, causing illness in children because of chemicals. All this because people do not like being bitten and giving their blood to the mosquitoes so…
I returned to Olympus yesterday. The place of Pagan Gods and i meet and have been communing with them over the past few days. As i sat talking to the Universal General, Akon, we talked about life, him saying how all was so wonderful and loving, as he sat drinking his wine and smoking his…
Before i left the new world, i was speaking with my brother Shawn. I told him that i was going to spend my time in the wilderness. He told me that i was not ready for the wilderness. I see now, he was of course right, for no one is ever ready for the wilderness…
After shaving my beard, there had developed an area of psoriasis on my left cheek. It has come to my understanding that this skin affliction is due to the physical evolution process. Our bodies are rejecting the hair that we no longer use as protection from the sun. We now use cloths and chemicals so…
Sevgilim and i also went to the barber today. I told her that since i had made my decision of being with her that i could now cut my beard but told her and the barber it was imperative that the locks of my hair not be touched. She decided upon a goatee, which i…
I once again angered Sevgilim today with my not trusting her and wondering where she was. My mind kept racing that she was up to no good. She called saying she had to get her shoes and one more thing, then she would be home. Five hours later she arrived and i immediately questioned her.…
It is interesting that so many run after the Buddha in his teachings and stick to a dogma, when the Buddha taught that all must find their own path. Yet it must not be stayed with but transcended, as all religions of the world. For the Buddha is not about spirituality but only of the…