of what use is a mirror to the blind

These entries span decades. As with all which is novel, it is best to follow from the beginning and to review it entirely before passing judgement. For what you picked up to complain about could be what you hold up to praise. Knock and the door will open. Seek and ye shall find. Communications over time.



Where to start? As I sit here now my mind has become mad. I need more light, now that is better. It may be better the other way because my shadow is now in the way. Book, wedding, computer, and the wine; these are just a few of the happenings this weekend. I cannot differentiate



At this point in time, I do not know whether or not my life is leading the book or the book is leading my life. I have quit watching TV and only rent movies on Friday night. I am able to save money now and can live off what I was making when I started

the experiment begins


The Experiment Begins Beginning of Summer Solstice My God what a wonderful life but I am unsure if I am supposed to enjoy it. To see God in everything and to feel him all around as though I am standing being surrounded by his breath. I have taken some time off work as of late.



Shavuot begins. My eyes have been opened to the iniquity of man. I see it yet its description contains words that I do not know. So many sins commit this act for its birth was of the tree. Today I spent with my family in Lucedale. It was my grandfather and T’s birthday. My journal



I returned home today at about nine this evening from San Antonio. I got off the plane waited for my bags and upon heading out to pick up my vehicle, which by the way cost twenty dollars; the exact amount I had left from the trip, I saw a gorgeous female. She looked Asian American



Thoughts of women fill my mind and my desires. The feeling is becoming stronger and stronger as I sit here in San Antonio listening to Sara MacLachlan. I could care less about the direction of healthcare and the direction that the hospital can/should take. I drink because I am bored and I think that I



I finished Ezekiel this morning, something I wanted to do in a timely manner. My next reading from the bible will be the life of Jesus Christ. When I was walking Bachuas today, Harem10 was outside holding a baby. As I passed, she said, “Oh how sweet, I am twenty-three and not even dating anyone”



I have come to the conclusion that I must keep and spread hope for mankind. It will be our own X {know your faith}. Would it not be a far greater day, that in our Lord’s return, mankind would be a friend; if not brothers. It, to me, is a better path that continuing on



The ending of my first book: The boy child briskly walks toward his father, trying to catch up to him. His father does not know he is following and unknowingly is leading his child into the hands of death. Work was hell last week and will be for the next few weeks to come. The



This life holds nothing for me. I took off work Friday and went sailing then took Bach to Peter and Delilah’s house. Saturday Peter and I went sailing, Sunday I went to Seth’s birthday party, he just turned seven, and had lunch with my Grandparents, mom and Wayne. I still do not know what I