From last night to this morning, after asking for guidance to receiving it, the reading of the life of CHRIST is not to take place. My first direction will remain; that is that the thoughts on the voyage should be my own.
From last night to this morning, after asking for guidance to receiving it, the reading of the life of CHRIST is not to take place. My first direction will remain; that is that the thoughts on the voyage should be my own.
Today I opened up the Aquarian Gospel and started reading through it again. Then I decided to take note only of what was written of Vidyapati, in order to gain understating of a vision given to me in my sub-consciousness. I have also decided to re-read the gospels, both conical and non-conical before much more…
Sleep was erratic last night; I slept most of the night with the starboard window to the sleeping quarters open. I awoke to an overcast day starting it with yoga and then changing my routine. The day was clear toward last afternoon. Scott said to the effect that he may be getting off the boat…
After a sunny morning, we actually got a small shower at dinner time and the day was partly cloudy. The days keep getting warmer as we head for Taiwan and the 2nd mate said that it should continue until the Red Sea and the Suez Canal. The ship’s interior is kept at a very cool…
Today meant several dips in the pool in order to stay awake or to become refreshed, or both. After lunch I took a nap for about an hour but was awakened by singing. It is Sunday on the ship and since sixteen hundred hours, the personnel on board have been knocking off for personal time.…
I wound up taking a two-hour nap in the early morning hours but was awake before the sun rose. First, I went to the stern of the ship but then decided to view the event from the sixth deck just below the bridge. After it came over the horizon and went behind some clouds, being…
I did well today with my eating, much better than last night at the party. The food still tastes good, even in small portions. Tonight, I shall try to hold a vigil in order to issue in the beginning of the twenty-ninth year of my earthly existence. By the end of the twenty-eight year, all…
I know now why the Christ talked in parables, so that only those of whom the immortal spirit exists within will follow the light and gain the knowledge by their own choice to inquire and ask the truth and to contemplate, our Father, so that through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit they may be…
It has been a wonderful day today. This morning, I awoke and did my yoga adding yet another exercise to the routine. Then I took a stroll around the ship, had two pieces of melon for lunch, sauna, swimming, sun on the bow, three slices of cucumber, four slices of green pepper, six sprouts and…