These entries span decades. As with all which is novel, it is best to follow from the beginning and to review it entirely before passing judgement. For what you picked up to complain about could be what you hold up to praise. Knock and the door will open. Seek and ye shall find. Communications over time.
We will be leaving the English Channel this P.M. and getting into the North Sea. I am glad that I got my cap, just today when departing; it was a noticeable difference between hot and cold.
Yesterday we went to the duty-free shop just outside the port. I found a much-needed hat to keep my head warm, other than that, I might just take it easy today. We left Rotterdam port five hours behind the Atlas schedule. I must say that I like the Danish. They seem to take frequent breaks…
When we arrived in Rotterdam, a helicopter, while we were underway brought aboard the ship’s pilot, via lowering them from a cable; the kind of stuff you see on television. I had never been, before, that close to a flying helicopter, feeling the wind caused by the whipping rotor as it hung slightly overhead. Your…
We are back under sail from Le Havre. It was a wonderful town on a quiet Sunday afternoon. They were having a feast; I think it relates to a festival, that the town has once a year. I walked until I reached the beach, then I just walked around some more, through the houses and…
En François is off to the starboard. The seas are calm this morning but the air is still cooler than yesterday. I am looking forward to getting off the ship even if to just walk around the French countryside. I also must say that I am feeling good this morning. I have gotten some fresh…
I had a light lunch today in case the seas continue to grow and seasickness sets in. I just got back from a walk to the bow. The whole vessel is creaking and moaning as it takes these large rolling waves. I will also say that there is something very intimidating about a thirty-five-foot wall…
We have moved into the Bay of Biscay and it has begun to rain with the waves increasing in size. Even the stern of the ship is heaving up and down in the water.
This morning showed a beautiful sunrise beginning but after reawakening, the starboard side, over the coastal land showed dark clouds and to the port was high gray clouds. So, the day can go three ways. Not as cold today, without the wind but a bit chilly on the port side where there is a light…
We had slipped out of the Mediterranean into the Atlantic by way of Gibraltar, which I was awake but missed to see. No wonder the air is much cooler. We have turned almost due north heading up the west coast of Portugal. Today I saw two sailboats on the Atlantic. One crossed our stern and…