of what use is a mirror to the blind

These entries span decades. As with all which is novel, it is best to follow from the beginning and to review it entirely before passing judgement. For what you picked up to complain about could be what you hold up to praise. Knock and the door will open. Seek and ye shall find. Communications over time.


I had another vision today. I was lost in a vast house, searching but also aware to some degree where I was. I walked into a room that belonged to that of an innocent child and opened a closed door. Kenneth arrived telling me to keep the door shut. Kenneth representing that of authority, that


I went to bed early last night and woke up early this morning. The wind was still very strong with water coming over the bow. At zero seven thirty hours I went and had some bread with honey along with tea for breakfast then went outside to have a look around. Holding onto the rail


I just got back from the mess hall where I had some hot tea and before that I was on the bow. What a day to be on the water. We are against a strong head current with a wind at forty knots gusting to fifty knots; seas are a ten to twelve feet. While


After much about my being a Nazarite, last night I went to the galley for some tea and ended up partaking of the drink from the vine. So now my vow has been broken, in actuality, it was broken long ago when I had some grape juice, out of lack of thought, at dinner. It


I have been going over my French for the next port, which will be Le Havre; we should arrive in about fifteen days. A question is to be asked; is it more right to help the poor and destitute or to take care of family members who have a large house, retirement, social security and


I shall try another experiment. This one shall venture to see if substances like coke and chocolate has an effect on the mind, to think on a spiritual level. Although this experiment may prove that it does not, it will still not outweigh the fact that those items are unneeded and are only desired because

98_ Sai Baba

We arrived in Singapore sometime late this A.M. The current schedule puts us at about twenty-three hundred to berth. I suppose I will go to Chinatown and little India to see the markets and culture in order to get away from the west as much as possible. After thinking about it, there is nothing that