These entries span decades. As with all which is novel, it is best to follow from the beginning and to review it entirely before passing judgement. For what you picked up to complain about could be what you hold up to praise. Knock and the door will open. Seek and ye shall find. Communications over time.
So here i am, i have been given the ability to heal the blind, to give them sight once again, to bring back the teachings of the Jesus-Christ. 222 – i am not to be the abomination of desolation, nor one of the two prophets; i am not to go to Jerusalem but i am…
Mowad now speaks of doing evil to serve his purpose. He has land he could sell for cheap, get all he needs to be free, instead he wishes to keep it and serve the God of money to keep it. I trust him less than ever now with this talk and maybe it is talk…
The check has arrived at the lawyer but in order for Mowad to get it, another thousand plus shekels must be paid for taxes and the lawyer. If the money is not found soon, there is another holiday just before he has to pay the monthly expenses for the children. He has a place to…
I understand now why every people must receive their own prophet. But when it comes in the name of love, then that one speaks to all for it applies to all in the same way. These people are bound by customs and traditions as where in the states, people are looking for an excuse to…
Now he wants to kill himself and others. I tell him that he would be throwing all GOD has blessed him with back in his face. He chases money, throws it away with nothing to show for it and does not know what responsibility is. There is good in him and that is what i…
You must forsake all, Father, Mother, wife, children, all family to know the CHRIST. For unless you are willing to forsake all you will never know the CHRIST. You will, rather, remain and be led by the blind even though you may have sight. For unless you yourself overcome the problem and or preoccupation and…
The owner of the place i am staying at today tried to get two hundred dollars out of me and when i did not give it he said two hundred shekels then. For the water and blah, blah, blah. The terms were with Mowad. I have one shower a day, while he washes friends’ cars,…
We put so much thought on the body and its beauty, its strength. I ask though, is the body the image of GOD? GOD is more of intelligence and brains than bronze and strength. So, the factor of the mind needs to be of the utmost importance. Knowledge illuminated by love.
So, in comes Mowad at early morning daylight hours. He wakes me up to say he needs twelve hundred shekels because his brother-in-law was in a car accident and the vehicle needs to be towed. Just two weeks before it was his sister. So, it is shown by those who have eyes to see that…
The other day, when i went back to the bank to see if was time for me to leave i was unable to obtain money. But when i went back to try for Mowad’s request I was able to withdrawal more than what is allowed. “All sense of self must be abolished and a more…