Sunday is here and today I drove to the boat but did not go sailing. The reason being that the seas were too rough and I was unsure I could get out of the harbor with the winds being out of the south at ten to twelve knots. Instead I went to the beach and meditated on my readings from the bible this morning. Also, I set up the old aquarium as an herb garden, a schefflera was also planted into the tank to absorb the water that will not be able to drain out the bottom. I am already using my jalapeno peppers emerging from a plant I thought had died. Most of the day has been spent inside, taking care of domestic duties and expelling brain energy. The thing I have done most, today is walk my dog. It would have been a wonderful weekend to be in Florida with the family.

There is a bikini contest happening a few blocks away but I will not walk down there, to look at those women in their wonderful bodies, to make me lust even more after their race. If I do not stay away from women my life will change into a completely different path of being a provider.

The night ends with me at home thinking that since I start my cardiovascular rehabilitation tomorrow, I will go ahead and order the pizza to top off the banana split I had after the mashed potato and beans. Why do we feel that we must for one last time indulge in the desire that we are about to release for all eternity? It is wrong, no matter if it is one more store-bought pizza before you get back in shape or one last fling before you get married.

A thought comes to mind; in our evolution and transmigration from the place of our beginning has this theory ever been applied? That it is in our nature to be isolated beings living in spacious arrangements. Our nature is what spreads us out, we were meant to live afar from one another but close enough incase help on either side was ever needed. Now our population has grown so much we must travel farther and farther to get away from one another. Places are starting to run out and we are seeing our overpopulation give way to violence, for we love our brother but we must give him great space. How we yearn for seclusion but few do nothing to achieve it. The change is there to be seen but we have taken the path of technology instead the path of environmental. Antennas replace grass by computer chips, and the world will replace its trees, as we know it and will no longer exist. The land just as dead as the oceans, but after we over consume everything and learn to eat without killing, then we can repopulate the oceans and let it thrive. Then after our population has been educated, we can reorganize our existing planet to rebuild natural environments. It can work and we only have to do three things; one: man must stop pollution, two: men must stop breeding so much, and three: men must start education now. I see the vision of mankind’s path into the future and I am drawn to direct him if he will listen.

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