What else have I given up to this point? I have given up disposal pens in return for fountain pens because of space taken in landfills. I have given up number two pencils in return for disposal pencils that only take lead to save the trees. Then there is the toxin in computers, where is all this going? People are upgrading their computers, not because they have maxed out an eight-hundred MHz Pentium II CPU with two-hundred and fifty-six Meg of RAM and sixty-four Meg of cache. They use these for games and dumb terminals. By their mismanagement of the system they drag it down and throw it away because it is easier to get something new. They do not say it to themselves but show in their actions “Why do I have to clean up after myself?” I have also given up doctors and surgery in general. If I am doing everything I can to keep myself healthy and it comes down to blasting me with ions or just cutting out a big old chunk then I may just have to pass. Although at this moment I feel that I do have health problems and they are continued from the past. After my last examination, I had all the poking and prodding I will ever want.

Someone needs to point out the impact of technology on our society due to our greediness nature we so loudly partake in; I so vainly say to myself.

In my home I now have in essence five new occupants. My friend from Arkansas, Harem5 is still here and looking for a job that she can be comfortable with if her modeling career does not take off, El Pea is also now a member and her contribution is heavy breathing. Then about every other night, Peter and his wife are here and on the weekends. I tend to be dealing with it rather well considering. This is a great deal of what I need to learn. How can I love my brother when I try to stay away from him as much as possible?

Another month has past and I am still sharing the bed with Harem5. It is on a plutonic nature of a somewhat sort. Work has taken most of my time and it is getting time for the trip to Seattle. Up to this point I am having trouble sleeping in the same bed but I feel that I must overcome that as well. I need to let that anxiety go as well. Harem5 will not be attending the trip with me for financial reasons which will put me closer to paying off my debt than I would have before if she had gone. She will work on her modeling and get money for rent while I am away. Things are lasting longer this way than they would if we were in a relationship.

My thoughts are too sporadic to follow a story line for a given length of time.

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