This will be the last weekend that I do nothing but sit around the house. Granted that my time while doing so is spent writing and drawing, along with exercise and meditation. The time should be spent sailing, camping or just being outside enjoying nature and the gifts that were given to us. The trees, animals, oceans, rivers and land are the possessions given to us by god and they are the ones we should hold dear. Not the car, house, boat and all other man-made things, we desire man made items more than god made items. In the days and nights that I have been staying at home, I feel the need to know what time it is. I think it is one of the signs of withdrawal from not watching television. That form of media is so entrenched in our being. Television has been around for about fifty to sixty years and that is about as long as it takes for a civilization or society to absorb new technology. Look at our current rate of consumption with the television. There is a television in every home and soon the computer will be the television. Everyone in the world will be linked up together sharing ideas and thoughts. The children will lead the way so long as too many are not filled with hatred towards their fellow man because of his skin color, language, or religion by their parents and social order. If these Christians followed the words of their lord, then this would be a more loving place. I suppose that is why you have so many denominations instead of just Christian. The same goes for every other religion out there. Hinduism, with its sects and sections, a wonderful religion if you like someone to tell you point by point what you must do. My only problem with it, as with every religion, is that man has his hands into it and it cannot be trusted. You must do what you feel is right, whether it is following a group or leaning not upon your own understanding, but seeing god in everything and letting him make your path. I am becoming more and more detached from society. The things they wish to have, I do not wish to have. It is also becoming increasingly difficult for me to function at work, there are more frequently periods when my brain feels like it is going to spin off out of my control and what will happen is unknown. The hallucinations are still happening but the seizures have not appeared in a while. I just need to get away for a while, like a year or two to sort things out but responsibilities are still holding to this job. I could at least always relocate. Do I want to move again since I will be leaving after two more years? I think I will stay where I am, but a lot may be done in two years. I’ll stay.

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