Graham, the eldest fellow traveler, brought Scott back to the question after we had gone off to the deep subject of spirituality after dinner. I do not know what it is about the older generation that does not wish to discuss or contemplate such things. Of course, we are where we are because of the previous generations. Even my Grandfather thinks that such searches are a waste of time and that what is needed is the acceptance of the organizations. As Graham also told me, that to change anything you would have to become a leader and gain a following, so if you do not wish to do that then you just go along with the status quo.

Scott, the other traveler, interjected that it was a matter of picking and choosing. He had given up his television and his law practice because there was no fulfillment in those things for him. He had started in law to help the less fortunate but by doing that he saw his family doing without… without what I do not know. I do not wish to put a stereotype on women but they, in America, at least seem to want the nice shinny things and expensive china plates when the handmade pottery ones do the exact same task. Men are whores for women, so they pursue money to attract women and unless they keep making it and striving for more, the women are not satisfied. Granted I cannot equate this to all women but as the economy increases it is becoming the current state of affairs.

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