

So, my thoughts turn, they turn to this idea of evolution and this being which is evolved mankind and if this being which now, on some unconscious level, chooses, what should we be choosing? For a dog will not choose to not eat if it is hungry or choose to eat only vegetables if meat,



It has been a few short breaths since i awoke to behold the morning star and as was known to be, all that was in expectation is arriving in its designed place.  As before upon an end, one is in the process of separation and is in need of the worldly possession that has accumulated



All is arriving.  An age is coming to an ending, an age is coming to a beginning.  As this experience has it’s passing, we have passed through the great arch, but only after the appearance of a woman clothed in the sun.  Then onto the omen of passing through the star Algol, to the portent



I have not forgotten the old woman sitting by the campfire.  I have not forgotten our conversation about the sons of heaven. I have not forgotten that the thirteenth star came down from the sky and into my being.  I have not forgotten that I began to create the world anew. I am constantly reminded



We are almost there.  She is showing herself brightly as the evening star on this equinox following a winter that was mild.  Our lives are filled with such beauty and yet because of our hustle and bustle in keeping to schedules, we miss each moment that is filled with spiritual beauty. I had been keeping



Harem3 is pregnant and we are planning on getting an abortion Saturday and then things will…I don’t know how things will be! I am going to tell her how I would like things to go tonight and see what she thinks about all of it. If she insists on the abortion then I will stand



Mass can neither be created nor destroyed. It may only be changed in states. Solid, liquid, gas, energy. Once energy it can/cannot become a sold, liquid, or gas again. Yet the beginning of the cosmos that gives rise to matter began with energy alone. Creation – the transformation of energy to matter. Dissolution – the



How long will man be blind and they continue to destroy each other at the same time destroying the earth, at the same time destroying themselves. If you must kill, kill yourself to save the innocent. The greatness and wealth of living in christ is that it places the life of others above yours, but

Book of life


I made it into London from Felixstowe. I walked from the seaman’s center into town then took a train from Felixstowe with a stop in Ipswich then onto London, then a subway ride to the heaths, and then a very long walk to the youth hostel, Hampstead Heath. If I can, I will stay another