

It has been close to or longer than 1 day since I began my meditation. At first, I merely concentrated upon my breathing and after several doings, as I was in meditation, a large cobra appeared before me, then disappeared. Continuing on, nothing more happened. Then as I had just finished reading about the chakras



Archetype The Archetype Appearance  The full moon this night is in the sky, shinning bright. But I am not compelled to write, As I fight against the urging to smite Rather than dissipating the negative by way of the spirit in being polite. For I must do no matter else, what is right. For the



When I walk, butterflies proceed before me, as I ride my bike, during these rainy days, when I get ready to go to my job, the rain stops, when I arrive at my job it starts, when I get ready to ride home it stops and when I arrive home it starts. All is beautiful,



Spring is still giving everything a good soaking for its coming growth. There comes a gushing rain then a reprieve without sun, so that the drought may be drank by the ground, then another gush of rain and so it continues for as long as it is to. This of course is a mass the



Still, I continue to read the book given to me by Lynn and Ken. Today the author was attempting to explain the validity of the Bible, as being inspired but the fact of the matter is that it has been almost two thousand years and people are still and people still need to convince and



The full moon went by, behind a clouded sky, which was the herald of winter’s end, overlapped by the commencement of the beginning of spring, full of showers for three days. Today being the fourth, the sun has appeared and all is in a stage of rebirth. That which had been germinating is now bringing



Finally, I am compelled to write, as though I should be pushing it… India has much to make one understand but it is you that harbor the spirit, it is no place. I am laying outside, looking east with the sun in the process of setting. As I relax in this hammock, I see flowers



I awoke more than once the previous night with thoughts of time, the one mechanical in nature. For reason yet unknown, I thought of the time and it was the time it was, for it is the time it is. Engrained into the subconscious of mankind I am. For Sevgilim had thought, along with others,



I have now come to a point of where I am more surrounded by people. For at first after my return, I was in the solitude of my sanctuary but for the past while, I have returned unto worldly employment and am in contact with others. Yet I find my sanctuary is no other place



Back thought time I have gone, back to the beginning to find that the information given to me, for the reason mankind is what he is and how it is, is because of the eye. For what had been given was that mankind began to look around itself and to see the nature of the