
9_Feeling Smarter

So how are things progressing? I have been watching the brain drain device but only rented movies and the weather channel. I have seen one funny commercial although. A man is in a bus with his family, sitting in front of a wooden bridge, he is wondering if he should cross. His wife says something


[directive]Move mankind away from feeding on flesh

Introduction: Medicine.Taste = bitter Medicine.With(contagion) Contagion.Age = covid19 path = Rite.Way(contagion.Age.Hard) Initialization() Global.Consumption.Sustainable = true Migration.Direction = path.Inward Consumption.External.Fuel[wind,water(unrestricted),solar, hydrogen] Consumption.Internal.Fuel[“vegan”] Living.Structures = Cities.Pursuit[“planetary travel”] ??possible recurrence?? “Building towers that reach into the heavens” Mayan.popolvuh [NotRightNow,“JaguarNite”,”?”,”?”] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popol_Vuh https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_of_Babel AA: Babel.location(nasca lines) This will lead to the great cooperation.