

I am sometimes feeling that unless you are serving someone else you are only serving yourself. 222(1, 2) has been that reoccurring message to me, that my path may at this point be spent caring for my Grandparents in their time. They need to minimize their life though as far as the vastness of the



I am on a 1725 train to Wein. Much was considered in the city and the day, if you legalize one then all and in Amsterdam you see the effect. So, you ask yourself if you wish to be a part of that in any way and take the appropriate action for your decision. The



Today I realized that I had belittled you to soon. On the streets today I found how your visionary Constantine had given you more boundary and reign than you could ever have hoped to have by your physical force. Now your subjects line up willingly to pay tribute and to glimpse your grandeur. They pay



I came to Rome not to praise it but to bury it. The good done lives after but evil is often just not considered but not buried either. Where is your glory but, in the photography, and admissions into your ruins of the perfectly clothed tourists? They sit around and listen to orators that give



I was to catch a train at 1920 but sitting in the railway station I got confused and jumped on the 1720; mixed up my sevens. As always, there are no coincidences, which by the way is the word I was trying to get over to Maggie, which is by the way what gives rise



Two stops since my last writing; one, Madrid, another city but the sun was nice; two, Barcelona, where my feet carried me to the waters of the Mediterranean and for the first time, I was baptized in the vast dream come to reality.