

I am not feeling at all like I was on the previous writing. Let’s see, I have been to Mexico, Isla Meujreas sailing on a boat for ten days. Before I left, I was with Harem3 and had a wonderful time. When I returned from Mexico my life was as good as it could get.



Other than the fact that my dog is crazy, I can find nothing wrong in my life. Harem6 and I broke up and today she came over to get her stuff {I hate that word} … she came over to get the rest of her possessions. After she left, I was wondering if I had



It seems the only time that I will be making journal entries now is when I am on a trip the hospital has provided. This time I am traveling to New York City and they are under a terrorist warning. Now would be a good time to catch up as much as I can on



I went through the Harem3 old thing about asking Harem2 to marry me again. I was going to do it until I called her from the hotel. I had a strange dream the night before that she had been raped and killed; all I could do was just cry in my dream. It is eleven-forty



Today is Valentine’s Day and I have been in California for three days. Sunday, I had a few drinks in the hotel bar when I arrived and got situated. Monday, I went to the HP seminar and meet a couple of guys that will be partaking in the training with me. Today I drove into



Harem10 came over today; it is the first time I have seen her in eight months. She has put on a little weight but still looks good. We went to Ruby Tuesdays for lunch and then by the hospital to pick up my check for my trip to California. After that we went back to



So, what has happened since my last entry? I spent New Year’s with Peter, Job, Carol, and Diana. Peter did not drink and was the designated driver since he was feeling ill that night. The night was slow and I passed out in Peter’s jeep in the cold so that I would not get sick.



So, I ask myself, “Is time passing quick enough for me?” My reply, “Yes, it is.” I received that one letter from Harem2 and that has been it. One reply to about ten letters, maybe I will receive a call from her in the near future. She has most likely found someone out there in



Words Ringing True Tonight, I write about Peter, the best friend that I have ever had. I do not mean this lightly or in play, I can connect with him better than I can anyone. Peter though is a genius on every subject in the whole world except computers and other technical extremities. The fault



Today seems like the first day of fall. The sky is cloudy, with no blue, just shades of gray. When awaking in the morning, the air is chilly with low humidity and it does not get hot at all in the afternoon. Bachuas is barking at something in the back of the house. He finally