

Woe to the rich is gold and lands; they have temptation multiform. Woe to mankind who walk at will in pleasure’s paths; their ways are full of snares and dangerous pits. Woe unto the proud; they stand upon a cliff; destruction waits for them. Woe unto the greedy; for what he has is not his



Running errands and back at Novo. I am beginning to come here a few times a week. Last night I started going to bed and reading some. This read is “Chronicles of the Barbarians”, a re-read, none the less an easy way to wind down the day. Working, stepping back in the direction that I



Each passing moment is bringing fulfillment to the prophecy. The last remaining grasps to worldly understanding, keeping me away from a spiritual understanding has been released. As my vision, reference: ‘any answer i desire to know will not be withheld from me’. As i am coming unto the understanding daily that i and the spirit



What do you think is my new extension at my new job? Nothing other than 1222 (1, 2, 3, 4). It is now time for me to not generally focus on the spiritual but to focus on the ideas that were planted and now they must begin to grow. I must again bring the ideas



 [expand on the race comment, not race but creation] These are, in my opinion, the days in which Satan/evil or whatever you wish to point you finger at to make you feel better, is ruling. But even after Christ comes to rule this world, he better not leave us alone again or else we forget.



I arrived in Yellowstone today while on my way to Wisconsin. Upon arriving I called Harem2 and spoke to her briefly and filled her in on the updates of life. Then I went hiking and swimming, set up camp, did some reading, contemplated over a fire, and now I am getting ready to retire and



First things first which in reality should be second. Two days ago, I sent Harem4 a letter letting her know that this relationship is over, at least on an intimate level. She is looking for more that I am able to or rather willing to give. She was too young, had been too well provided



What is it all for? I can see nothing more than the pursuit of what the Lord has in store for me and what he wishes for me to do with my life. Be true, be honest, be charitable, and be loving to my brother and sisters. I do enjoy being away from everything that



I intended to write more yesterday on my trip but the words did not come until today. I went to bed early and woke up late, rolling over several times before getting out of bed. I picked up and showered and in between those time I watched the television. After “Mysteries of the Bible” went



I sit here alone on a mountain, its top is covered with snow, thinking of God while others watch the world come to an end. I left the warm dry valley to get away from my fellow humans and now all I hear is a nearby river, the flies, the birds and feel the wind