

What i have written about the hindrances of spiritual evolution due to damages and illness on the physical body, with the experience of the damage of my arm and shoulder, is read today or re-read today “take extremely good care of your physical body, for spiritual growth on earth becomes difficult once it begins to



The full moon went by, behind a clouded sky, which was the herald of winter’s end, overlapped by the commencement of the beginning of spring, full of showers for three days. Today being the fourth, the sun has appeared and all is in a stage of rebirth. That which had been germinating is now bringing



CHILDERN OF SHELFISHNESS IGNORANCE BLISS In the Beginning The programming started from childbirth just as soon as my Father had created me. My mother, father, grandparents, and other relatives and friends brought gifts of toy cars, toy soldiers, gadgets, and dumahikies. I was brought up poor from the start. My father was a con artist



For once I was blind but now, I see So here we are and now you know… I did not come here to bring you freedom. You have given it away, so you must be the ones to reclaim such desire. She is standing at the door waiting for you to open it. This is



Inconceivable, ineffable, incomprehensible, omniscient, eternal, unbegotten, forgiving, merciful, kind, blessfull, giving, patient, life, truth, just, omnipotent, omnipresent, non-jealous, non-conceited, non-proud, non-selfish, non-irritable, self-sustaining, non-condemning, non-biased, unconditional, caring, helpful, knowledge, unneeded, compassionate, non-controlling, love.



I have left Turkey and now i am en route to the land of my physical birth into this world. Upon my return i still have not once cent of money available to me and for this at this moment in my growth, I am grateful. What good will any worry do for me? GOD



Realizing that if i had never read the book on the antichrist, i would have walked to Jerusalem and become him. Praise be to GOD for the sight he has given me. Contemplation becomes realization in the knowledge that having been willing to sacrifice all for that of my Father, a willing and able servant



As i sit below the setting sun, i watch the kuslar fly in the sky and think upon them and the animal kingdom. To be born, to grow, to mate, to give birth, to die, and all the while in between feed upon another life to maintain its own. But worries not, lay not up



As i have chosen to remain in this world, i know it may take part in the suffering, in the destruction. What i must try to do is to partake in it as minimally as possible. I must for the present try to find a balance for myself in the world and living the life



A new life has begun, another new start, another new mind. “Continually renewed in Spirit”. All still upon the same way; the way of love. Again, i cannot find one example how my Father has not blessed this life, from the birth of this body, to the sustaining spirit. For once you can see, having