

Other than the fact that my dog is crazy, I can find nothing wrong in my life. Harem6 and I broke up and today she came over to get her stuff {I hate that word} … she came over to get the rest of her possessions. After she left, I was wondering if I had



It seems the only time that I will be making journal entries now is when I am on a trip the hospital has provided. This time I am traveling to New York City and they are under a terrorist warning. Now would be a good time to catch up as much as I can on



I went through the Harem3 old thing about asking Harem2 to marry me again. I was going to do it until I called her from the hotel. I had a strange dream the night before that she had been raped and killed; all I could do was just cry in my dream. It is eleven-forty



CHILDERN OF SHELFISHNESS IGNORANCE BLISS In the Beginning The programming started from childbirth just as soon as my Father had created me. My mother, father, grandparents, and other relatives and friends brought gifts of toy cars, toy soldiers, gadgets, and dumahikies. I was brought up poor from the start. My father was a con artist