Enough, I must; Boom goes the lightening, the wind is steadily picking up and the rain keeps getting harder. I am glad I am watching my life grow and the Gulf Coast area is a wonderful place to be spending it. Now the rain is blowing into my house, nature is a gift that we treat as poison. Man, thinking he is so grand in glory, if he were to look at himself, he would bow his head in shame instead of lifting it up for condemnation. Blessed is our father who gives us that for which we thirst. But I digress, one more time and I… I spent the day cleaning Peter’s new boat. Scrubbed down the outside and cockpit then vacuumed the inside, and wiped it down with comet. I have envy of him for his boat and it is something I am letting go of on a day to day basis. Peter is my brother, and one of the blessings God has given to me.

Another point to bring up is about subliminal cycles. Research has shown that as adults our brain tends to stop making new connections and releasing old ones. The most abundant information we fill ourselves with will be what is left in our thinking. Television is filled with violence and we live in a society where children murder children and we wonder why. We also need to question the fact if it is not just a fact of nature. In many animal groups, siblings compete, starve, and push others out to the nest to survive. I am reminded of a joke I had heard; how do you make god laugh? You make a plan. Man, however tries to save face and throw in disclaimers.

…I hate it when technology tries to work for me; I can use my own brain thank you very much.

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