After all that has been done and the time that has past, I am now back to where I was. This is the weekend I was to go to Destin with my family; after driving half way there I turned around and drove back home. I do not know why I feel uncomfortable around my family when they are together as a group. Having my sisters there helps but it was just too much right now with all these changes going on. I wish to have more and more time to myself and now days I hardly ever leave the house on the weekends. It will be nice when I start taking Spanish, getting out of the house at least once a week is good. Although I tend to stay at a distance from my fellow man, I do feel it is needed to interact with him or her every now and again in those times in which help is needed. I am sure I would have had a wonderful time in the end but I can talk myself out of just about anything or if I can’t do that, I will fool around until too much time has passed to complete the needed task.

It has been a while since I have talked with Harem7. I did run into her today walking her dog where I had never seen her walk it before. She was walking him right in front of the Condos where I live. At the exact moment I was heading to the store and we meet. After a brief discussion I asked her if she would like to go out again and she said yes and told me to call which I will on one of her next few days off. She is by far my favorite. The only thing is that when I am near her, I become so nervous I just start shaking. It is still too soon to tell.

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