

I let Mowad sleep out on the couch last night. He was to go home to see his wife and kids, maybe stay a couple of nights. He came back very late as i knew he would. At first i grabbed the sheets and pillow and went to the couch, then when he went out



The being here is coming to a close. I know that i could learn much more but i need to return to the states and apply my learning. New life always teaches new lessons. Everything on this earth deteriorates. Nothing in worldly life lasts. Why would a God create things that are not eternal, as



I was hard on Mowad but he has decided to go back to his family. He says he will surrender. ‘I tell you to resist not evil.’ I pray to GOD that his children benefit from his new found spirituality that manifests itself as the Love of GOD.



I was honest with Mowad about the eight thousand dollars and this morning he again asked me for more, knowing i have no more to give. I told him he was evil and thought only of self and he cares more about himself than he does a single woman raising his children on her own.



I just calculated my lunar days and it gave me the same month i am existing at present under the so-called time i used to know. At present i have been alive for one year and four months and it is right because that is the current month. Now i will go by it alone.



The God of the land i am currently in is a GOD that only takes. For that is the God that these people worship. There will be no peace so long as the people are worshiping their current God which is Baal, that is self and to put self-first is to develop ways to put



We are pushed and directed so that it is mostly intolerable to walk in the country of the USA, or even to ride a bike because of the un-safeness of cars not people. They push into purchasing these destructive overpriced, killing vehicles. There needs to be a change in the country for more paths, Appalachian,



Parable of the seeds; First are those that hear of the christ and just dismiss as some organized religion. Second are those that hear it and are joyous but they put the christ into a routine, instead of making it life. Third are those who receive it and learn it with idea, but still live



How long will man be blind and they continue to destroy each other at the same time destroying the earth, at the same time destroying themselves. If you must kill, kill yourself to save the innocent. The greatness and wealth of living in christ is that it places the life of others above yours, but