

Time is moving on at an even faster rate since I have stopped having tea. My short story is finished but it seems that no one likes it too much and the book “Decompiling Programs” is off to a slow start. Things seem to be going well, still reading the bible and trying to finish.



Winter is approaching, this weekend it is getting down to thirty-four degrees. I am going camping with Bach and also invited Peter and Delilah. The two of them have become like a dream. I will fast this weekend on the island to cleanse myself of this hedonistic life style that has been upon me for



It seems like years but it has only been a few days. Four days exactly since Harem5 left. I still have not heard from her and her mail is gathering. I pray at night for God to look out after her. As the time passes it gets easier to put other things in my mind;



A New Year approaches and I have achieved no material goals but I am thinking that it is not so in the spiritual sense. She left this Tuesday morning. It was late in the morning after lasciviously awakening and holding each other. We got up and she gathered her things and then we ran some



Ask and you shall receive. My temptation is now, more than ever women. They are calling me, massaging me, undressing before me, and taking pictures and videos of themselves being naughty just to show them to me. My endurance is getting stronger but it is still lacking. I still have a way to go and



As Ahab so precisely put it, “What have I to do with pleasure?” From this point on I will hold true to my convictions and continue to give up material things. I will stop wallowing in self-pity and stop these backward stepping actions. On this trip to Seattle my withstanding temptation was severely lacking in



I think that the date is correct but I am not actually sure. All that I do know is that it is the third day on the train. When I left Chicago, after a five and a half-hour layover, I was still unable to get a sleeper so I had to remain in coach. I



Interrupted from my last writing when Harem5 came back much earlier than expected. Every time I have time to myself, I end up meditating and then returning to the book. In order for the book to continue there needs to be more meditation. I think it will be a wonderful book. Book: with the ending



It has become evident that I am not only in this world but there is an existence of me in multiple dimensions and planes. Not levels as Delilah would try and explain. https://sites.google.com/site/archetypealgorithm/ https://archetypealgorithm.earth/



Decisions have been made; One – the book title has been changed from The Experiment to the Time Experiment. The Author stops watching T. V. and devotes more time to spiritualism. With this change he one day is able to astral project his body through time and realized that what he has been learning he