My duties are again to consuming. There is no end to this madness unless you quit what you are doing. My brain is drained and needs about a month off and a restructuring of the current M.O. There is so much resistance in changing to a different way of thinking. It is unknown why man does not use his brain. He learns something and then blindly follows the path laid out for him. My friend from Arkansas arrived the other day and after some discussion with him, he said that way of thinking will be detrimental to one’s self. He did not elaborate. Intentions should not be misunderstood; there is no placing of oneself on a pedestal. Everyone has the same ability some just wish to follow the self-gratification and self-indulgence. More should be exercised in self-denial in every form possible, for this keeps you from the deadly sins. But we all have our opinions, don’t we? This is the reason men feared Christ because he spoke with authority on the matter of God which is something we cannot do. There is a feeling that comes over me when my mind thinks of Peru. I feel there is something, someone waiting for me in that distant country.

Harem7 and I are still trying to hook up with each other and I have told her about my trip to Peru into which she has shown interest on the subject. Of course, we have only gone out a few times and asking her to go would not be a good idea at all. I will see how things progress over the next 4 months.

Harem9 thought I was lying to her about having to work so that is the end of her.

Harem1 was seen this morning on my way to work with her now again future husband, so that is the end of her.

I truthfully need to stay away from these females. So much time has passed and it seems my life is in a holding pattern, I search in vain for spiritualism.

And we can go if we want to, to a real world and leave this one far behind.

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