I suppose that I should begin with the date and time of this writing, but with a higher form of thought in existence, it has become an unnecessary creation of mankind. As a Jewish mystic once said, “Time can be neither nullified nor destroyed but can be sanctified as a key form of human existence, for we are all too familiar with the passing of days.”

To sanctify time of the month, days or hours is to say that the Jewish god has some need to have created this aspect. In truth what more need of time do we have but to know when to reap and when to sow? Although we have mastered this with planting and harvesting our food, the greater good still eludes us.

The ms Cho Yang Atlas departs after sunrise this following day. Left behind is a career that would have brought comfort to this physical existence, comfort to the body. Left behind are relationships that held a great possibility of development into marriage. Left behind are my personal possessions; books, cloths, bed, collections of memories through the years; down to my pursued after vehicle that defined my vain personality of which twenty percent of so-called society now owns. Left behind is the being I took responsibility for over eight years ago. Bachuas was on the way to the pound when I found him and he has come to that exact place eight years later. Are we just sustaining what in the end is inevitable? Left behind is my family that I was just beginning to know for the first time in my life.

What I do, I do for them and for mankind. My eyes behold the eve of destruction and my mind searches for the wisdom of truth, but not above love to be placed or found in my heart. I have devoted my life to the service of my Father and nothing of this world shall come before HIM. I pray for strength in my journey, the eyes to see HIM in all things, the ears to hear HIM in all sound, my mind to know and understand HIS will for me, and love in my heart for all life, from man to the looked over plants that do and do not bear seeds.

Knock and the door shall be opened; I knock on the door of truth. How will I know the truth? By experimenting with what I perceive to be the truth. Not just believing something because it touches something inside of me, for look at what mankind has been led to do because well phrased and spoken words. We have destroyed and are destroying the spirit contained in all we see around, above, and below us.

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