The path of the unknown God or GOD rather, presents itself.

But we do not see the weeds and thorns hidden behind the beautiful blossoms that is a rose bush of life.

We say, “I want to do it my way, I will learn the lessons that life has to teach me”.

Where does the anger in that come from?

Are we angry because we do not need anyone teaching us; we will not follow.

Look where following has gotten us, as a mass, look what man has done.

All in the pursuit of fear and preservation.

Is that the Father of Christ embodiment of love?

It is not the father love that I am seeking.

I know of something wonderful, something ineffable, incomprehensible, eternal, unbegotten, that is not of a deficiency and goes not to decay.

I know of and will always strive to know more of a creator that is pure love.

He It has no need of me nor anything, not even himself itself.

Yet he it blesses us daily and if we choose we can receive a part of himself itself.

It is not a more than words can contain to express that the spirt was made for the body and that it can be manifest through the body to make that soul of the immortal or was it that the soul and body were given to the spirit to burden it down?

So, if the spirit was made for the body and we of the spirit have the desire and drive not to follow, are we not the ones hacking in the paths?

I am thinking beyond the present.

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