I have returned once again after having flow again high in the sun. 

For all have sinned and come short of the glory of god. 

It had been at a tipping point. 

So much going on. 

3wk POC with IIS. 

Ongoing work on LotBot. 


HOA such a waste of an opportunity. 

I shall resign my position as President due to (conflicting interests)

Which is LotBot and working with the current patrol company as a beta. 

Which will be seen as self-serving by others

Then with LotBot under way as that or another site then a chance for income may come into place. 

When I have income to show to IIS as a possible investor, for a new product. 

I could start working on it now if they want and they will give x as a bonus (% of its income) when they choose to acquire. 

Or wait till I have something more substantial to offer like live clients. 

All the while getting the cycling going and extending with Seth and Austin as a training vacation.

Cycling, yoga, meditation. 

But first the move, then to see about a move from Seth and Austin. 



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