Community: this community; for it is today that the noisy neighbors have left. Rather than following the rules and regulations of the community they chose to be upset angry and refused to the point of fines and finally eviction. But we must all work together as a whole, move forward, look out for one another, lift each other up, to help each other out, to be kind, to be of a benefit. We think this does not involve hard lessons that need to be learned. If we were in a place where there was no ownership in the community then we might have moved these neighbors to a location where other loud unruly irresponsible inconsiderate people dwell and let them live there. But we do not and so they must find some other place to reside where there are not such rules and regulations that exist for this community. And yet it is the hard lesson, it is a lesson for myself, I never thought I would to go to the point of having someone evicted from their residence but they will be in a much better place, they will be more happy, the people of this community will be more happy, they have expressed it already. But this microcosm is the macrocosm no matter where you find yourself or how you wish humanity to be, rephrase, no matter how you wish mankind to be, it is not designed to work in harmony. Yet it was the unity which brought about the change to the conflict.

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