Christmas eve, the full moon is out, Venus is present as the morning star and the answers are coming.  Zeliha and i brought up the computer and fell asleep watching a move after having dinner with friends in the community.  We awoke this morning and i brought up breakfast and we stayed in bed watching two movies about christmas and i became exhausted.  Then our visitors from out of town were getting together with other visitors who had just arrived from out of town.  Zeliha has gone out to meet them while i stay home and sleep as we will all be getting together tomorrow.  No matter from this point on, I will go with her unless i am contagious.

The moon, i have just realized is the sphere from my visions.  For much time had been spend gazing at that object, as i am doing now.  And i must think upon what interfacing with that object brought unto me.  Meditation is when we interface with some object other than our self.  Just as i sit with eyes closed seated in a meditation pose, i am interfacing to an object beyond myself as when i sit and gaze upon the moon, interfacing with it, one being more abstract than the other.

Comments (1)

  1. Shawn


    I have been unable to contact you by other means so I looked here. Are y’all okay?

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