222 has started appearing again rather regularly.  While during this time i have been devoting my meditation outward into the ever-populated void of space.  the direction of those thoughts has been toward that which called out to me that night and the wanting, desiring, or rather requesting for contact to be made so that man might see something greater than self and be helped along and out and away from this current path.  But as i reach out and touch that consciousness the dialog begins with where i am now… unable to focus upon anything for any real length of time, the fact that there was a time i could keep my mind steady for many multiples of minutes and it is a return to this which is necessary.  That there was a time my concern was communication with the collective consciousness of man.  For if i am able to have dialog with the cosmological consciousness and touch an outer world entity then i have as well, as well as others here, the ability to reach each other.  That there was a time that i lived the life that needed living, took all matter of sin upon myself, did not think of judging others and this must once again be returned to.  For since my return, over the many days, my irritation is growing and loss of hope has grown for humanity or rather mankind.  It was humanity I sought, for they have evolved and are the evolution of mankind.  It is those who i should be reaching out to during meditation.  Those that are here, those that are evolving.  To connect to this consciousness which is part of the cosmological consciousness and when these things have been returned to and done, then it would be a better time to once again reach out to that which is beyond.  For until then, if i am unwilling to do what has to be done, then am i showing that there is anyone here who is worthy?

So, the de and re programming once again begins.



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