The spring equinox has arrived and i have been detoxifying from electronic mass media and so with it, there has also returned a glimpse from when i slept.  It started by someone, a female, telling me how a guy I had known from school had managed, for them, to get onto a certain object in the water.  This was the landing point for one to try and gain access to a place built upon cliffs.  I then found myself upon the object in the water along with the before guy mentioned.  Now others from the place were coming to make sure we did not succeed in reaching the place built on the cliffs. They succeeded in stopping the guy there with me by taking his life as his body fell in the water.  I looked up and saw a small black cord wrapped around the branch of a tall tree.  I leapt and grabbed hold and pulled myself upon the branch.  I remembered my shoulder but it worked and i had no feeling of problem with it, so i let that worry go.

From the branch, it was easy access to the place built upon the cliff.  I began walking around and it was sparce with others.  Then i entered a street, paved, cobbled with high walls that went in a circular way.  I saw a large man of mean disposition approaching so i went around to the other side on one end but he did the same and so still stood before me.  I turned and went in the opposite direction with no desire to try and get past him.

I then found myself in a place with others.  As i walked round i came into contact with others who i had known.  There was desire from them for me and for one, i did acknowledge it in slight but we did not follow thru and so i moved on with them down the hall to another place.  As the one i was with went into a room i talked with two others also about desire for myself and told them it was only because i expressed kindness and others took it incorrectly.  Then there was some commotion a way further down the hall.  I walked to find and hear others arguing about how they were here, because they were following me.  They were unhappy because they were with me so they might overcome, in this place, others who were oppressing them.  yet they had to overcome a mountain but were unable to get beyond a locked door.  I listened to them complaining but not doing so i walked to the door with purpose and with much force, kicked it and it broke and flew open.  They saw how i did this with no problem and began to tell me that they were here because of me, so i should, must, it was my duty giving me an order to take the mountain.  One man in particular was the one ordering me.  I walked over to him, grabbed him by his hair and threw him fully across the room into the wall, letting the others see yet not hear that it was i who was in control…if they want their freedom they must at least try and take it but i was not going to do it for them. This writing ends exactly as the alarm chime for me to begin my job… (time is perfect (on track))

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