The winter solstice has again just past… The shortest time of the continual light, in this hemisphere and a time of holidays and activity level, my activity level, severely lessened.  And with the winter also came the rain, yet daily the light increases in its continuance.  But is it not a time to be dormant and still?  Does not rebirth and growth come later?  It is interesting how the fragility of the physical has changed the experience of knowledge and understanding on every level.  A gift i will not soon forget, for its disability remains with me until is corrected by physical surgery.  A thing i once “believed” could be overcome by will and faith.  Now i know that such corrections are limited to certain conditions that are not impact and dislocation related.  For if i lose my eye, can i will it to reappear or by faith alone, can i relocate a shoulder or unbreak an arm?  No such things are not.

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