We are starting our first full day in Pokhara, Nepal after arriving from a three or four day stay in Kathmandu.

This travel is different than last. Not only has the situation changed but also my mental situation.

I am not sitting, watching and talking much to the locals as before, but my time is being spent with my wife and the development of our ideas from each other’s perspective, rather than a number of others. But those to which path we cross, the conversation is given. For it is no longer a matter of what, but acceptance of what is presenting itself and making the choice to accept or not.

The large portion of this has been my persistence of ideas that should or rather can be accepted by individuals on a large scale of which I am finding in India, but with two major exceptions to the ideology. One, do not be a burden unto others and two, to evolve spiritually and all that it brings about. But it comes back to the second only, for if it is done, the first will not be a concern and the giving of a list of rules, to the mass, to which one comes to spiritual evolvement is as though orating in the dark to the deaf.

I have been against organizations, I have been against governments, economics…organizations, but now I see this idea of society and civilization, which is now defined as the need and enforcement of rules and regulations upon the mass; is needed by them, for they do not wish to allow or develop themselves to the point where they can govern themselves. Which is what the spiritual are capable of doing. It is not that they will not, it is not that they can not, it is that they want not. And this place that we all find ourselves is here for the fulfillment of our desires, to take that away, it is impossible for that is the reason for existence.

So the perpetuation is the root of continuation. Mankind being polarized in the animalistic mentality desires to beget offspring and that offspring in return is at the place of desire fulfillment. But so many are based upon selfish desire which leads to unharmonious effects and affects others and they that are affected are not shown the true nature of this illusionary suffering. But many are and still do not remove themselves from it, even though they profess to follow the doctrine. And so, it continues and will continue until all has been transmuted back to that which is of the spirit and not that which is secular. And so, the things I have been against, I am no longer and leave them alone to fulfill their own desire.

For India has shown me, sleeping where ever there is a place to lay your head, taking care of your own produced garbage, not spending such a major time of life stuck in a job, vegetarianism of a group on a large scale, not living beyond one means, no use of chemicals, living in small houses, without the consumption of much finite resources in the form of gas or electricity. This shows with all this being done, it will not outweigh the core problem of gluttony that is over population. The core of the worlds coming disasters.



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