I found myself in my creation. In a white circular room, way above the earth. It was for a chosen two to descend to the earth by means of a quick journey. They were to fall and arrive by way of using a parachute. One of the chosen was I and as I sat before the small circular opening within the floor of the white circular room, I peered down and saw only blue sky and felt a cool breeze. The others around me were to take a longer way in which they would arrive by land after much time. Then as I was gazing into the opening, I realized that the second one, who was to travel in this manner, had already gone. As I was leaning forward to being my descent I said aloud, “This is crazy.” I dropped through and as I fell, I saw the other and quickly came into close proximity. I realized it was Peter and he realized it was me. Both of us became glad and we soared and twisted and turned, doing tricks as we went. Then I realized that the land had come with in close distance and I released my chute. As I landed, I turned to see Peter, his chute opening only feet above the ground unto which he slammed. I went toward him and beheld an injury to his head and his eyes rolled back, showing only white. My first thoughts were to call for help, 911. But as I approached him and said his name, his eyes rolled forward and he looked at me…I awoke.



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