Winter is still here but the signs of spring are beginning. The trees are putting forth their buds and the birds of spring are returning. While all this is occurring, I have been putting forth my effort in the first buds of life from my books of scripture. Making them available to those who will search and knock for they are the ones who shall find and have the door opened to them. And yet, it is that very word “scripture” that sets mankind apart from one another. As I was considering the word, I looked up the definition and it was shortly, religious writings. However, the definition also stated the very issue of which I’ll refer. That was the word “holy” placed before scripture. So the separation begins for the meaning of “holy scripture” is that this one being referred to is of divine intervention while “scripture” w/o “holy” is just writings that are not inspired by what ones terms “God”. Therein lies the division and herein lies the interconnection. For I tell you that all scripture is holy, when it comes from one whose pursuit takes them to the understanding and the direction of that which was spiritually based. Anyone who has sought that which is beyond themselves and put their search, ideas, understanding or knowledge down has written scripture and not just scripture but holy scripture. So our separation of one another in this matter of groups, stating “their” book is holy, true, divinely inspired and another is not, is no longer ignorance but intolerance.

I speak with persons who state they have very close friends of another religion and that they love them, yet their core belief and idea is flawed, wrong and delusional and yet the other thinks the same about their friend; unless one is enlightened to understand what was just written. Yet if the individual is enlightened then they will transcend the binding bonds of a religion, an organized religion and will have begun down their personal path of perception. This is the path of the spirit. This individual has become their own priest and their own prophet and when they begin to walk this path, they have entered their first spiritual season of spring.

As I enter this spiritual spring, I have before searched for my words or thought and nothing was found but just a few days before, I ran again a search and this time it was not nothing that was returned but several matches of what was not there before. The buds have begun to appear and spring is being ushered in as I can usher.

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